So, before I finish off the month, let me recap days 19-24 for you ...
Day 19 : tea leaves cardigan + (favorite) charlotte's web shawl
Day 20 : catnap bess tunic + sharktooth shawl
Day 21 : hourglass sweater + radiant orchid streak cowl
Day 22 : hand-dyed, handknit socks (+ mystery scarf that day)
Day 23 : flannel hemlock tee + scrollwork hat + wintertime bandit scarf
Day 24 : sheep hemlock tee + clapotis scarf
I'll be updating those hemlock tees soon ... ;)
My next MMM check-in will be the last of this month, and I'll have a lot to say at the end of this experience of all handmade wearables in the month of May! See you then --

Lovely lovelies! I wish I could knit like you. During MMM 2015 I was sighing over all the knitted cardis. I hope to take some knitting lessons this fall so that NEXT year's MMM I will be able to show at least one knitted cardi. (Ha - so say I now!) Looking forward to your wrap-up!