True confession : though I've been sewing for pretty much my entire life, I have a severe aversion to sewing with knits. I made a dress when I was pregnant with my first child (who just turned 15 ... so it was many years ago) and let's just say that it had that "homemade look" more than the handmade look. You know what I mean! Luckily with all the resources that are available today, and the promise of a cute and comfy top that could be finished in an hour, I felt like I could attack sewing with knits once more.
I would say that for the most part, the pattern went well! I was extremely pleased with myself when I managed to use a twin needle (for the first time, yay!). Let's ignore the imperfections that I won't be highlighting in this blog post, then, and I'll move straight on to the feeling proud of the quickie shirt I made. The black and white print (that is, ahem, not quite centered on the shirt - note to self, remember that next time!) looks really cute with my Skully Jane Market Bag.
I wore the shirt out today with my tote and my "black and white and re(a)d all over" scarf. I love the combo of this tote with this scarf -- add in this cute top, and I'm in handmade heaven.
Project notes :
Pattern : One Hour Top - by Fancy TigerFabric : super cheap knit fabric from Hobby Lobby
Mods : Size M/L -- no mods
{{On Kollabora here.}}

Very fetching! Great job!