If you've been following my progress on the Zakka Style sew-along, you know that I call denim "poor woman's linen" ... with that in mind, I'm submitting a project I haven't blogged about yet, but just recently sewed up : a Man Wallet.
My husband, also a teacher, recently had his wallet stolen from his laptop bag while at school. (phooey on the person who did it!) While he was moaning about the loss of his wallet & its contents, and the need to replace it (he really hates shopping!), the Purl Bee came out with their little summertime wallet tutorial. Could it have been better timing? I think not!
So -- I took two different colors of denim scraps, embroidered a "D" on the front of one for fun, and sewed up a little wallet.
My husband is still using it ... he's the worst at shopping for new things!
PS - if I were to do this again, I'd definitely add some velcro, or even better -- a magnetic snap of some sort.