Friday, November 29, 2013

penny patch quilt along : finished top!

When I saw the really cute Penny Patch quilt that Rachel is hosting at Stitched in Color, I couldn't help but to chop up some yardage that I'd recently purchased.

The intended recipient is a colleague and friend of mine, a science teacher and mountain biker -- her husband is even a professional downhill mountain bike racer.  I knew I had to incorporate goofy science prints (the notebook fabric with doodles of science experiments in the Robotic collection by Birch Fabrics fit the bill nicely), alongside as some fun bicycle prints.  I even cut into my prized Heather Ross pink bicycles!

I decided to make it 5x5 even though I've already cut enough squares to make it 5x7 ... I'll use the extra fabric on some other baby gifts that I'll whip up later.   I felt like this was the perfect size for toting around with a baby.

I've been very pleased with how this has turned out!  I can't wait to quilt it ... I'm thinking of trying the dogwood quilting method, which I haven't tried yet.


  1. one of the fun things about this quilt pattern has been the way it's so interesting to look at up close, and also how it's a different look and effect from a distance. what a cute baby quilt you've made out of it. the inclusion of the prints that nod to the parents is a great touch!

  2. Very nice! I am sure your friends will love it ... :)

  3. From a distance, I love the colors. Up close, I love the prints!

  4. It's so cute! Love the fabrics you used!!!

  5. Beautiful work - great fabric choices!!

  6. Your fabrics and colors work so well! I really like how the colors read from afar, like a pp said. Yes, yes, try the dogwood quilting!
