Monday, April 9, 2012

{pinwheel quiltalong} blocks 1 & 2 & 3 & 4

I decided to join the pinwheel quiltalong ages ago (like, when it first happened -- *cough cough*, in 2010).  I got to blocks 6 and suddenly stopped.  I remember that this was pre-The Big Move and the organizing of the craft room space.  Since I recently re-organized the craft room space, I found my unfinished pinwheel quilt blocks and though I'd share ...

Here are the first four blocks that I made  ... times two, so eight blocks total so far :

Blocks 1 :

Blocks 2 :

Blocks 3 :

Blocks 4 :

Now, I'm finishing the last blocks so that I can put my quilt top together and have a *finished quilt*.


Love it when I can resurrect an old project and have it done in no time ...

1 comment:

  1. I love you pinwheel sampler blocks. I can't wait to see the top together. My top is done, I just need to decide hoe to quilt it!
